44 Lawrie Road, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 2Z9 Canada
Phone numbers:
Tim: 416-799-1307
Ray: 647-297-4585
We are open:
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Regular Testing
Malfunctions can result in compromised safety, major damage to property and disruption of business.
Fire protection systems, the equipment and overall systems themselves will require routine testing. These tests are required on a regular basis according to the proper code compliance.
We use NFPA25 testing for everything from the testing of dry standpipe systems to fire pumps and water supply valves.We will schedule these tests with you on a routine basis and professionally perform them according to the Ontario Fire Code, National Fire Code and National Fire Protection Association standards.
We will provide you written results of our tests and point out any discrepancies that we note, along with our recommendations.